Home of PIC Projects
Welcome to PIC Robotics Project Site DIY electronics has been my favourite pastime, especially those involving PIC microcontrollers. One day, I hatched an idea of showing it all on a blog! In this blog I would like to share a few bites (or should I say bytes!) of my ideas in robotics projects which involves one main design, known as Universal Robot Controller . This controller is used extensively in my robotic experiments such as sensory reading and control module for electronic devices like LED, LCD, motor, servo, RF modules, mobile robots and such. Every project will be given detail on its design, construction and program. I am currently uploading several articles of my project for a start. There are still several topics which I have not yet completed. This blog will be updated from time to time. I hope that all the information given in this blog will help my fellow readers upon increasing their knowledge on robotics and some ideas on how to build robots of their ...